✳️ Steps to Create A Super Secure Password To Defeat Hackers
🔹Step 1: Setup A Longer Password
👉 Make sure to create password that's no shorter than 15 Characters
🔹Step 2: Don’t Use Dictionary Words.
👉 Don't use password with common words. Those are easily cracked by cracking softwares. Examples: '123456', 'password123', etc
🔹Step 3: Mix it up!
👉 If you want to create a strong password then mix it up.
Example: hackerzhome => H@cK€rZh0M3
🔹Step 4: Don’t Use Same Passwords For Different Accounts
👉 Many of the people use the same password for every account such as google, facebook, instagram etc. Never use the same password for everything rather than change ATLeast few characters
🔹Step 5: Using Two-Factor Authentication
👉 Use two step authentication for everything you use inorder to defend from hackers.
✅ That's it, you are done. Do these simple stuffs to prevent from hackers. If any doubts dm me @dnr_here
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