Hey Folks, today we have come up with a very tremendous tool called “WPrecon” which is specially made for WordPress reconnaissance or penetration testing purposes.
About WPrecon Tool
WPrecon (WordPress Recon) is a tool for wordpress exploration, fully developed in golang, to get better performance from your device. We are still in the alpha/beta phase, there are still bugs to be fixed, but we are discovering them over time. The focus is to make wprecon the best wordpress exploration tool, and keeping wprecon for free.
Let’s take a look !!
Dependencies Setup – Golang Installation
Go is an open source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software. The Wprecon tool is designed in the Go language, so we have to install the Go language environment in our linux machine to operate this tool.

Wprecon Tool Installation
Now we have come here to set up this tool. We execute the git command to download the tool from gitub, go to the directory and boot the tool directly from the go utility.

Also, you can identify all the features available in this tool using the help command.

Enumerate WordPress Users
As we told you, the tool is only designed to penetrate WordPress cms, so we have configured a WordPress CMS on our kali linux machine to use this tool. All we have to do is enter the URL of the target and give the parameter we want to get. When we execute the command it dumps all usernames from the target.
Usage !! go run main.go –url –users-enumerate

Enumerate WordPress Plugins
As above, we will try to enumerate the plugins using the following command.
Usage !! go run main.go –url –plugins-enumerate

Nice !! Likewise, we get more such features in this tool to get useful information from target WordPress CMS.

WPrecon (GUI)
The article is not finished yet because we have a GUI version of this tool if you are not able to operate kali linux.

Analysis – Version
All you have to do is give the URL of the target and it will dump all the information just like the command line tool.

Server Details
You can see the public IP address of the target website along with the hosting provider and server details.

One thing we noticed is that the website of this tool is better than the command line utility.

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