Hello Guyz Today I am going To Share Two Method Which Through you can hack Instagram ID [ This Article Is only for Educational Purposes ]

SO Let's Start With 1st Method

1. You will need domain (you don't need to pay, and you don't need to have knowledge about that)

You can find free .com and .net domen on this site

Make an account, add vcc or your vcc and boom you will have free 3 months. And keep supporting hackfreaks official. (If you don't have vcc or your own cc make sure to dm me on discord)

2. Host site on this domain or close to this 

(I am using this)

3. When you done it, make a email with that domain (you have option on site)

4. Login to to your mail

This site :

5. If you have instagram, check your gmail and look for mail "Suspicious loging in"

If you don't have mail about it, just take a vpn and login into your account, you will get this mail

6. Copy that mail and send it to target mail (be creative about getting mail)

7. Modify mail to look real (bold some parts of text or add grey font, make sure to look like original mail)

8. If you have kali linux and if you followed my previous methode you can make phish link and connect it to "reset my password" and that'll be easier but if you don't have kali or you don't want to install it no problem

Just delete reset my password or secure me message and put it message like this "If that wasn't you leave us your information we'll remove suspicious actions from your account" (Also be creative about that)


Now let's see 2nd Method

With This Method You Can Hack Instagram / Facebook / Github / Netflix / Tumblr Other Accounts So Let's Start

1)Register a free website , you can check here Webhost

2) Setup your website

3) Download GrayFish

4)Unzip it and upload it to the root of your website (even the .htaccess)

5)now just navigate to your website and you'll see GrayFish landing page

6) log with fish : fish

7) And voila, every links you need to send to your target !

⚠️ Method By :- The Cyber army


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