trace location by sending link | trace location of iOS



                  trace location by sending link

 Seeker is a web-based application that uses HTML5, Javascript, JQuery, and PHP to gather device information and geolocation with high precision.

Seeker hosts a bogus website on an Apache server and uses Ngrok to construct an SSL connection that asks the user for Location Permission; if the user agrees, we can obtain the following information:

  • Longitude
  • Latitude
  • Accuracy
  • Altitude – Not always available
  • Direction – This feature is only available if the user is moving.
  • Speed – This feature is only available if the user is moving.

In addition to Location Information, we can obtain Device Information without the need for any permissions:

The platform for the operating system

Numerical representation of the number of CPU cores

Estimated Results Based on the Amount of RAM

Resolution of the Display

GPU-related information

Name and version of the browser Public IP address

Seeker showcases the massive amount of information a rogue website can gather about you and your devices as a Proof of Concept and for educational purposes only.

And why you should avoid clicking on random links and granting key permissions such as location and other sensitive information.

In addition, several tools and services provide IP Geolocation, which is not remarkably accurate and does not provide a user's location.

In most cases, if a user grants permission to utilise their location, the information collected is accurate to around 30 metres.

Note: Due to an unknown reason, the accuracy of the iPhone's position is around 65 metres.

The Whiteh4t Seeker Installation 

git clone
cd seeker/
chmod 777

#After Installation just type seeker in console

#After installation, type Seeker in the terminal to see the results.


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