Hey Folks, as we know beginners try to find the best ways that they can embed the payload into the original APK, But it takes their long time to do research on it. So in this article we will give you all the working methods, with the help of which you can quickly embed payloads in any application without wasting your time. But remember that you must have all dependencies before performing this activity and If you have not done so you can do by visiting here.
- Kali Linux = 2020.1
- APKsigner or Jarsigner [One of them]
- APK Tool [Latest]
- ZipAlign
Lets take a look !!
Inbuilt Method
As we have already discussed about it in our previous article, so if you want to get deeper information about it then go to above given link. Now first we download the app and also you can choose himself any application as per need.

You do not need to do more efforts, just go the location of the downloaded application, replace the IP address, choose the port yourself and jsut execute the command. After doing all this, if the dependencies are successfully installed then you will get success otherwise it will show an error due to not properly configuring the dependencies.

In our case we would choose python service to share the payload to someone else.

The payload will look like this when the victim downloads it to their smartphone.

Done !! Time to take advantage and we have to boot our msfconsole to kept the meterpreter session. Just execute the following command and after comes the meterpreter session we can control the victim phone remotely.

It is an another open source apk binder tool which is available on github and allow us to embed the metasploit payload or backdoor in original apk. First we will download the ludo apk file from here. We download it with the command given below. After downloading we will go to the directory and execute the tool with the “bash” command.

As you can see below that we have to give the path of the downloaded file, IP address and port number which is always necessary during the payload creation.

Great !! The main task which was payload creation has been successfully done.

To check the created payload we need to go to the directory of this tool.

Lets boot the msfconsole and execute the following command to hold on the meterpreter session.

Follow our third way and this is another github tool and the tool is designed to embed Metasploit malicious payloads into native APKs. Like every time, we will first download it and go to the directory to configure it. If a dependency is missing then you can execute the “bash setup.sh” command to complete it.

The tool gives us several versions of APKtool that we can configure as per need.

The script is written in Ruby language in which we can inject a payload using the following command.

At this time we will use the apache server to share the file with the victim.

Just go to the “APK” folder where you will find the downloaded APKs, whom you can take for this purpose.

Done !! After installing the payload to the target device we get meterpreter session again.

It is an advanced android antivirus evasion tool written In Python 3 that can embed or bind the meterpreter APK with an original apk. Lets configure it on the terminal and first we will download it, after downloading is done then we will go to the directory of this tool and execute the python command to execute this tool.

Now just copy the command below, modify according to yourself and paste on your terminal. After that we have to play with numerical function to control this tool.

If you want to installed any dependencies then you can enter “y” otherwise enter “n”. After that choose the payload.

This will take some time and once completed it will successfully embed the payload into the original APK.

Nice try !! Getting the meterpreter session again means that our payload is successfully bind to the original apk.

I think this is a well-known apk binder tool and is specifically designed to do reverse engineering on the payloads. TheFatRat is an exploiting tool which compiles a malware with famous payload and for the more info you can visit here. Note : we would recommend you to use it if you are not able to setup manually as it will configure all the requirements yourself. So just execute the following command to install this tool.

When you execute the “setup” file it will show an error in the first turn.

So if any error comes in the tool then you can execute the “bash” file again and you will see that the all error has gone.

Hurrye:) !! We have successfully configured this tool in our system and now we can choose any of its options and bind payload in original apk.

Evil-Droid is a framework that create & generate & embed apk payload to penetrate android platforms. Now simply we will first configure it by using the following commands. Just download it, go to directory , give the executable permission and boot this tool.

It will take a few minutes for the tool to be successfully configured in the terminal. After configuration, the interface of this tool will look like below.

Done Now we will not be able to show you all the steps because we are sure that you will do it yourself after configuring the all tools.

HaPpY SeCuRiTy !!
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