Bopscrk – A Profiler Based Dictionary Generator

 Hey Folks, in this tutorial we are going to talk about another wordlist generator tool called “bopscrk“. bopscrk (Before Outset PaSsword CRacKing) is a tool to generate smart and powerful wordlists for targeted attacks. Now we are going to leave below some specific features of this tool.

Unique Features

  • Targeted-attack wordlist creator : getting info related to target,
  • Combines every word and transforms results into possible passwords.
  • Wordlists exclusion : Exclude words from another wordlist
  • The most impressive feature is that it comes with both Interactive mode and one-line command interface.

Let’s take a look 🙂 !!


First of all we’ll download this tool from github by using “git” command. After downloading is done we will go inside the directory of this tool and meet the requirements by using the “pip” command. Just hold the python command and execute it in order to boot this tool. Make sure the python tool is already pre-installed in you system.

Just wait because as we told you that this tool comes with interactive mode feature, so we will boot this tool in interactive mode.

This is a password profiler wordlist generator tool, so it will ask us some details about the victim to create a wordlist. As you can see we have entered all the necessary details related to the victim and once we complete it it successfully creates a wordlist.

Nice 🙂 !! As you can see the word list contains all the words that we entered during word list creation.

Use it 🙂 !! If you are familiar with the command line tool then you can use the command line to create a wordlist with this tool but we would recommend you to use interactive mode as it makes easy to create wordlist.

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