🎄All in one professional hacking tool installer kit!!!🎄
If you know how to use it and you are enough smart then you can hack anything.. like facebook, Instagram, websites, anything....
Demonstration Termux
Menu :
- Information Gathering
- Password Attacks
- Wireless Testing
- Exploitation Tools
- Sniffing & Spoofing
- Web Hacking
- Private Web Hacking
- Post Exploitation
- Carding
Information Gathering:
- SherlockHomies
- Whois
- IP Reverse
- Subdomain Finder
- SayCheese
- Nmap
- Setoolkit
- Port Scanning
- Host To IP
- wordpress user
- CMS scanner
- XSStrike
- Dork - Google Dorks Passive Vulnerability Auditor
- Scan A server's Users
- Crips
Password Attacks:
- Cupp
- Ncrack
- Hash Cat
- Wordpress Password Quick Hash
- Hash Analyzer
- Wireless Testing:
- reaver
- pixiewps
- Fluxion
- asscrack-nigger
- Aircrack-ng
- Chain & Abel
- Wlan666mon
- Wifipisher
- ARP Poison
- WifiCutter
- KickThemOut
Exploitation Tools:
- sqlmap
- Shellnoob
- commix
- FTP Auto Bypass
- jboss-autopwn
- SS7 exploit
- Termux Root (Nougat, Marsmellow, Oreo, Pie, Jelly Bean)
- Root Linux Web Kernel (3.x - 5.7)
Sniffing & Spoofing:
- Tshark
- Burpsuite Enterprise Pro
- Setoolkit
- SSLtrip
- SSLStripper
- Web Hacking:
- Drupal Hacking
- Inurlbr
- Wordpress & Joomla Scanner
- Gravity Form Scanner
- File Upload Checker
- Wordpress Themes Scanner
- Wordpress Plugins Scanner
- Shell and Directory Finder
- Joomla! 1.5 - 3.4.5 remote code execution
- Vbulletin 5.X remote code execution
- BruteX - Automatically brute force all services running on a target
- Arachni - Web Application Security Scanner Framework
Private Web Hacking:
- Backdoor
- Hmei7 Priv8
- B374K (Final Mods)
- IndoXploit V3
- Marijuana Shell (Mods 400 Bypass)
- Get all websites
- Get joomla websites
- Get wordpress websites
- Control Panel Finder
- Zip Files Finder
- Upload File Finder
- Get server users
- SQli Scanner
- Ports Scan (range of ports)
- ports Scan (common ports)
- Get server Info
- Bypass Cloudflare
- Acunetix
- Joomla CSRF
- Git Dotdir Scanner
- Auto Domain Hijack
- SMTP Crack
- Cpanel Crack
- WHM Crack
- HeartBleed
- SQLiv
- sqlDump
Post Exploitation:
- Shell Checker
- Weeman
- Wordpress Brute xmlrpc.php
- Mailer Multi Threads
- Sql Dump Mail List
- Paypal True Login
- Scampages
- Letter Bypass Inbox
- Apple True Login
- Scampages
- Letter Bypass Inbox
- RDP carding and cracking
- Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Microsoft Azure
- Google cloud
- All account cracking tools
- Netflix
- Amazon Prime
- Spotify
- Premium VPNs
- and much more!! 🤑
🎁And much more.........🎁
Installation in Kali Linux :
git clone https://github.com/erwincatt/hackingtool
cd hackingtool
chmod 777 install.sh
That's it..
Installation in Android Termux :
Open Termux
pkg install git
git clone https://github.com/erwincatt/hackingtool
cd hackingtool
chmod 777 install.sh
make sure you have a stable and good internet connection
dont misuse this tool this is just for research and educational
purpose publisher is not responsible for any illegal activity STAY ETHICAL!
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