8 free video creation sites

 Creating a video file can be a lot easier than it sounds, just uses the right tool.

Here are 8 sites that allow you to create and edit multimedia files.

Although it sounds complicated, creating a video file can be much easier than it sounds. To do this, just use the right tool. Here are 8 sites that allow you to create and edit multimedia files and make your work and photos much more interesting.


The Animoto lets you create videos from pictures, music and texts, and make slide shows videos too. Its only problem is that the free version allows video creation of up to 30 seconds. 


The WeVideo allows the use of own material or research in its vast library of files. Here you can edit the sound of each step in the video and save the file to Google Drive. 

Izzy Video

The Izzy Video is a site that offers free tutorials on video editing, teaching how to create multimedia files of various categories as best as possible. It's worth checking! 


The PhotoPeach is ideal for creating slide shows because it allows its users to use pictures of their own social networks such as Flickr, Facebook and Picasa, and photos stored in on their computers. 


With Superflix you can create videos with images by positioning them in the desired way and adding subtitles. Your only problem is that you have to add the sound you want right from your computer, taking it from your own files, as the platform provides a single sound, which is the default. 


Although slightly less flexible than other platforms, Vyond allows the user to upload the images they want and create an animated sequence easily and conveniently. Ideal for beginners who want to develop simpler videos.


In addition to having a large collection of videos and sounds, Masher also allows users to use their own material to create videos. Here you can also enter text. Its main feature is its easy handling, and the sum of the factors mentioned makes it rated as one of the best multimedia editors in the market.

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