5 signs of an Insecure website

 There are about 1.7 billion websites are in the internet. All sites are different, some are blogs, some are tool websites, media websites, business, and so on... But unsafe, dangerous, spam websites are also there.

Now how you can check that which website is safe to visit ? Today in this article you will learn about some signs of spam, unsafe, & untrusted websites & how to protect yourself from these sites. Its an easy task to detect or identify spammy, unsafe website, you just need to focus on some points and then you can differentiate that which site is safe for work.

Why Its Important to detect untrusted /insecure sites

Websites that are primarily made for illegal work such as hacking visitor devices, obtaining sensitive information about visitors, forcing users to install malware, automatically installing malware and selling your information, selling your identity and your information, are clearly insecure. No one wants to visit sites that harms you. So may be now you understood that why its important. Don't worry After reading this article you will learn that how you can protect yourself from these spam websites while browsing internet.

5 signs of an Insecure website

How To Identify Insecure, Untrusted Websites? Here I will told you about 4 signs of an extremely untrusted, insecure website. Learn them carefully and be safe.

 No SSL Certificate? 

SSL stand for Socket secure layer, SSL certificate are very important sign of an secure site. But a insecure site will have no SSL certificate. A secure website URL will begin with "https:" if its http: then you are in insecure site.

Secure website URL will look like this -


If you cant see https and nor http than look for next sign

Is There any Lock Icon ? 

When you browse a site you may notice a small lock icon on the left side of address bar in your browser. This small Lock icon identify that websites SSL certificate is valid and website is safe for use.

You will see a warning icon on unsafe sites ⚠️ 

on any website which has no SSL certificate, wrong SSL certificate, expired SSl certificate, you will see a warning icon on address bar in your browser by clicking on that icon you can see details about it.

https Is Not Enough 

Https (SSL) is basic way to identify secure and insecure sites. But its not enough sites with https / ssl certificate can also be dangerous for you, some sites contains phishing pages or formsmalware scripts, unsafe javascripts, and malvertisment.

for Identify these type of sites you should see some signs.

Forcing to do a activity

Is website is forcing you to fill a spam, or suspicious form? than the site may be forcing you to give your personal information like credit card details, social account passwords, your special identity info

You should not fill these details if you have some doubts in your mind related to that site.

Is website Looks Too Good to be True?

Some scam sites offers you products in an unbelievable price ex - iphone at 20$ etc. Then you should not give your personal details there.

Website is Redirecting you to other insecure sites?

Some websites redirect visitor to malware sites they force users to download malware applications, viruses and illegal things. Stay Away From these sites

Find Some Important Pages on every Site

If you are going to enter any sensitive info like your credit card or financial info, identity info, or  something else, you should check some pages in that site, before doing any action on the site.  Here are some pages you should check on every site you visit

Privacy Policy

 Privacy Policy Page Describe how the site handle users data & what data they collect. Where they share users data and many more important info. SO you should must check this page on every site.

Terms & Condition 

Terms & Condition Page describes that what terms and conditions are you accepting by using the site. So this is a must page to check 

Contact Us

A contact us page contains contact details, by using these contact details you can contact the owner or moderators of websites. If its not exists then its too risky to enter any sensitive info on that site.


A "About" page describe about website and its owner. You Should Must Check the about Page On Any Site. 

If Privacy Policy, Contact Us and Terms & Conditions Pages are not there than the site is 100% spam or fraud


These are some basic signs of a spam, insecure, untrusted, websites We will add more signs in future in it. Keep in mind the above things and you will stay away from all these sites. Remember your security in your hand.

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