2 telegram member scrapper with termux


Telegram member adder by termux 

Method 1

• API Setup

  • Go to http://my.telegram.org and log in.
  • Click on API development tools and fill the required fields.
  • put app name you want & select other in platform Example :
  • copy "api_id" & "api_hash" after clicking create app ( will be used in setup.py )

• How To Install and Use In Termux

$ pkg up -y

$ pkg install python -y

$ pkg install git

$ git clone https://github.com/termuxprofessor/TeleGram-Scraper-Adder

$ cd Telegram-Scraper-Adder

  • Install requierments & Setup Configuration File. ( apiID, apiHash )

$ python setup.py

  • To Scare members from group.

$ python scraper.py

  • Add Scarped members to your group.

$ python adder.py

Method 2 

TeleGram-Scraper is a telegram group scraper tool to fetch all information about group members.

Alt Text

API Setup

Go to http://my.telegram.org and log in.
Click on API development tools and fill the required fields.
put app name you want & select other in platform Example :
copy "api_id" & "api_hash" after clicking create app ( will be used in setup.py )

How To Install and Use

$ pkg install -y git python

$ git clone https://github.com/raghavkhanna30/Telegram-Scraper.git

$ cd Telegram-Scraper

Install requierments

$ python3 setup.py -i

setup configration file ( apiID, apiHASH )

$ python3 setup.py -c

To Genrate User Data

$ python3 scraper.py

( members.csv is default if you changed name use it ) Send Bulk sms To Collected Data

$ python3 smsbot.py members.csv

add users to your group 

( in devlopment )

$ python3 groupadd.py members.csv

Update Tool

$ python3 setup.py -u

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