Hack SMS, Call Logs, Whatsapp of any Android Phone

 In the india total number of android mobile users has reached 114 million. Cause of increasing the total number of andorid mobile users the cybercrime has also be incressed. Hence In this article we will discuss how to hack any android phone using metasploit framework and how to protect himself.

Declarations : This article is posted only for educational purpose to spread awareness among people.

Lets begin !!

Android platforms support applications with only .apk extensions hence we will make our malicious payload in .apk format.
Follow below commands for making a payload

  • Lhost = ( according to your ip )
  • Lport = ( according to you )
  • = Raw Format
  • P = ( platform )

Send this apk file to the victim and make sure victim run this file in andorid phone.

When victim will run this apk file you can oberve meterpreter session will open.

BOOM ! You hacked vicitm phone.

After hacking vicitm phone we can do many thing using these commands such as call logs, camera, screenshot, whatsapp chats, sms details and much more. But we will show some major commands given below.

To show all features use the following command ;

You can gather information about OS ;

Check device rooted or not ;

You can check how many apps are installed in Victim’s phone ;

You can delete specific application by given this command ;

You can use these command for dump all call-logs ;

You can also dump all contact using the following command ;

You can use the following command for dump all sms ;

You can read the dump file by execute the following command ;

You can use webcam of victim for capture the picture ;

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